Volume 11
Issue 02
MAY 2023
Inside This Issue
Editorial, 2-4
Technology Corner, 5-7
Tips from the Experts, 8-10
Humanitarian News, 11-14
Best Image Contest, 15
WABIP News, 16-20
Educaon, 21
Research, 22-23
Links, 24
Stefano Gasparini
Chair of WABIP (Ancona, Italy)
Silvia Quadrelli
Chair of WABIP Membership Commiee (Buenos Aires,
Vision and Future Direction of the WABIP
WABIP Newsletter
M A Y 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 1 , I S S U E 2
Stefano Gasparini, MD
Italy, Chair
Pyng Lee, MD, PhD
Singapore, Vice-Chair
Hideo Saka, MD
Japan , Immediate Past-
Silvia Quadrelli, MD
Membership Commiee
Jean-Michel Vergnon, MD
Educaon Commiee
Ali Musani, MD
Finance Commiee Chair
Naofumi Shinagawa, MD
Secretary General
Menaldi Rasmin, MD, PhD
Indonesia , President
WCBIP 2024
Rajesh Thomas, MD, PhD
Melbourne , President
WCBIP 2026
Michael Mendoza
General Manager
Judy McConnell
Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Newsleer Editor-in-chief
P A G E 2
The World Associaon for Bronchology and Intervenonal
Pulmonology has traveled a long road, dening and being
dened by the history of bronchology procedures them-
selves. This organizaon, formerly known as the "World
Associaon for Bronchology" (WAB), was created in Japan
in 1978 by Dr. Shigeto Ikeda, a Japanese thoracic surgeon
and bronchologist. In the late 1960s, he was responsible
for the creaon of the exible beropc bronchoscope
and was the rst Chair of the Associaon.
Thanks to the development of bronchoscopy and related
techniques, which became essenal in the diagnosc-
therapeuc pathways of many respiratory pathologies, the
WAB grew with the adherence of many colleagues from
dierent parts of the world. In this process of growth, the
work of various Chairs who succeeded Dr. Ikeda
(Professors Hirokuni Yoshimura, Udaya Prakash, Pablo
Diaz Jimenez, Hiroaki Osada, Henri Colt, Zsolt Papai, Silvia
Quadrelli, and Hideo Saka) was fundamental.
Major changes in the organizaon of the Associaon were
made in 2010-2012. The name of the organizaon was
changed to "World Associaon for Bronchology and Inter-
venonal Pulmonology" (WABIP) to include not only bron-
choscopy but also all the procedures (e.g., thoracoscopy,
pleural drainage, esophageal procedures) that are within
the competence of Intervenonal Pulmonology.
Furthermore, in an eort to be more inclusive and trans-
parent, an idea of Henri Colt approved by the Board of
Regents led to the adopon of a new membership modali-
ty. No more single membership, but the inclusion of Mem-
ber Sociees (naonal, regional, or local pulmonology or
intervenonal pulmonology sociees or groups). This
change in membership modality allowed the adopon of a
signicantly reduced cost, facilitang relaonships with
many naonal pneumological associaons and expo-
nenially increasing the number of Members from 2014
(Fig. 1). Fig. 2 shows the distribuon of WABIP Members by Re-
WABIP has already played a vital role in promong the discipline
of Intervenonal Pulmonology and enhancing paent care, parc-
ularly in naons with limited access to educaon. In addion to its
mission of bringing together healthcare professionals interested in
Intervenonal Pulmonology and providing them with opportuni-
es for networking, educaon, and collaboraon, WABIP has de-
voted the majority of its eorts to ensuring that all intervenonal
pulmonologists around the world possess a minimum level of skills
and knowledge. The operaons of WABIP are based on the belief
that medical educators have a responsibility to democraze
knowledge. WABIP views its purpose of enhancing the abilies of
intervenonal pulmonologists as a means to promote the health
and well-being of paents around the world, in light of its belief
that access to high-quality health care is a fundamental human
right. All individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status, gender,
race, ethnicity, religion, or geographic locaon, should have equal
access to high-quality healthcare services, and the rst step in
achieving this objecve is to ensure that these individuals have
access to well-trained physicians.
With this in mind, WABIP (now with over 10,000 Members from
100 countries) has developed free standard teaching and evalua-
on tools, organized hands-on courses in basic and advanced
bronchoscopy in more than 20 countries (the last in Uruguay,
Argenna, Chile, and Ecuador), organized webinars on the dier-
ent aspects of Intervenonal Pulmonology, and provided grants
for vising professors and scholarships for rotaons in highly spe-
cialized Intervenonal Pulmonology Units for doctors working in
countries with fewer resources.
WABIP also aims to assist each member country in acquiring the
basic resources and support for research and innovaon in bron-
chology and pleural diseases.
With the aim to diuse Intervenonal Pulmonology in the world, It
must be menoned also the recent creaon of the WABIP Inter-
venonal Pulmonology Instute (IPI), thanks to the commitment
P A G E 3
For the tenth consecuve year, WABIP connues its tradion of
providing reduced subscripon rates for its ocial journals: Respi-
rology, Respiraon, and the Journal of Bronchology and Interven-
onal Pulmonology, supporng its Members with the opportunity
for connuous updates.
WABIP programs were made possible by the generosity and
seless cooperaon of specialists from a variety of naons who
trained themselves as instructors and volunteered their me,
eort, and knowledge in various communies. WABIP knows that
to ensure internaonal cooperaon is equitable, sustainable, and
respecul of the dignity and rights of individuals and communies,
it must be based on ethical values. To ensure the fundamental
ethical principles of the autonomy of individuals and communies,
WABIP is a truly democrac organizaon in which each member
country has a representave (Regent) whose vote carries the same
weight regardless of the country's size, populaon, level of bron-
chology development, or economic strength. In this way, WABIP
aempts to ensure that collaboraon is founded on partnerships
that are equitable and respecul of the needs and ambions of the
communies concerned, and not on imbalances of power.
Since the creaon of WABIP, a lot has been done, but much sll
needs to be done. We must prepare for the future that is just
around the bend. Due to developments in technology, changes in
healthcare delivery, and evolving societal needs, the future of med-
ical educaon is likely to undergo substanal transformaons. We
may need to include training in arcial intelligence, telemedicine,
and other technologies to equip our medical community for the
digital healthcare environment.
With the reorganizaon of the "Social Media Commiee," now
renamed "Media Commiee," we will try to give further visibility to
our Associaon, with the aim of involving an increasing number of
colleagues and member countries.
New webinars on the dierent aspects of Intervenonal Pulmonol-
ogy and new documents on the standardizaon of procedures are
in the pipeline, as well as the creaon of interest groups in which it
will be possible to exchange experiences and opinions on individual
cases or procedures.
WABIP must increasingly become a global community, driven and
dominated by the passion for Intervenonal Pulmonology and love
for paents suering from respiratory diseases. In spite of the fact
that Intervenonal Pulmonology is a eld that is highly dependent
on technological advancements, we must never forget that we are
human doctors who deal with human paents, make decisions,
provide human care, and preserve the rights of paents.
WABIP is well-prepared for the educaon of the future, being fa-
miliar with the most recent technological advances while at the
same me maintaining a tradion of educaonal philosophy that
will t the needs of medical educaon in the coming decades,
which will increasingly emphasize paent-centered care, making
and passion of Dr. Ali Musani. IPI aims to collaborate
with countries that have large or public private Hospital
via local WABIP members to oer Intervenonal Pulmo-
nology training and related service in the region. The IPI
will oer well-designed fellowship training with WABIP
faculty available on site for 2-4 weeks at a me with
volunteers covering the enre years. Aer training com-
pleon, the fellows will receive a cercate issued by the
WABIP and will be able to start their own program in
their Country, train more people and open more center
in the region.
Recently, substanal changes have been made to the
bylaws with the approval of the Board of Regents. Parc-
ularly, to increase parcipaon and involve the leader-
ship of WABIP in the decision-making processes, the
Chairs of the main Commiees (Educaon, Finance, and
Membership) and the Editor of the Newsleer have been
included in the Execuve Board. The restructuring of the
Execuve Board reects WABIP's commitment to staying
at the forefront of Intervenonal Pulmonology and en-
hancing the organizaon's ability to serve its Members
and promote its mission of improving paent care world-
The Execuve Board's primary responsibility is to ensure
that all WABIP acvies are designed and implemented
with cultural sensivity and respect for diversity, taking
into account the cultural values, beliefs, and tradions of
the communies involved. No educaon can be eecve
if it does not respect and safeguard the rights and dignity
of individuals and communies, including their cultural
history and identy.
WABIP Newsleer, thanks to the wonderful and great
commitment of Kazuhiro Yasufuku, serves as a vehicle
for updates, publishing in each issue a synthesis of the
newest technologies in Intervenonal Pulmonology and
praccal ps and suggesons from experts. Newsleers
are sent to more than 7,500 recipients and read online
by about 2,000 colleagues.
One of the purposes of WABIP, as a scienc associaon,
is also to propose documents and guidelines for the
standardizaon of procedures. In the past, a complete
guideline for the acquision and preparaon of conven-
onal and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbron-
chial needle aspiraon specimens was published
(Respiraon 2014; 88: 500-517). A document on
"Proposed quality indicators and recommended standard
reporng items for EBUS bronchoscopy performance"
has been prepared by a group of colleagues, under the
guidance of Daniel Steinfort, and is ready for publicaon.
A document on airway stenng is ongoing and will be
ready soon.
P A G E 4
empathy, communicaon, and cultural competence
more signicant.
WABIP believes that by collaborang in a spirit of part-
nership, we can create a more equal and just world for
everyone. We require the assistance of each and every
Member of our Associaon. Your ideas, feedback, and
iniaves serve as the basis for our work. We call on you
to join us in our work: there is a long road ahead and
much work to be completed.
Figure 1. Number of WABIP Members from 2012 to 2022
Figure 2. Distribuon of WABIP Members by Region
P A G E 5
Technology Corner
Roboc Technology in Thoracic Surgery
Robocally augmented surgery is becoming an increasingly essenal piece of a modern thoracic surgeons workow. Constant and
rapid innovaon in the eld has enabled surgeons to perform complex procedures with reliability and precision. Roboc surgery has
decreased the prevalence of open thoracotomy cases, improved paent outcomes, and reduced complicaons for many lung resec-
on procedures (2). Three plaorms currently available in thoracic surgery are the DaVinci Xi, Hugo RAS, and CMR Versius.
DaVinci Xi
The DaVinci Xi is a roboc surgical system that has four slim boom-mounted arms, extended reach, guided targeng, and many inte-
grated auxiliary features. This plaorm is the rst entrant to the market in surgical robocs. The adjustability of the Xi is a strong
point, with congurable paent clearance joints in each arm of the robot. The many arms of the Xi permit four-quadrant access dur-
ing surgery. The system also boasts a two-camera installaon, perming 3D view of the subject (2). The DaVinci Xi currently has
been studied in all areas of Thoracic Surgery, including lung resecon and mediasnal resecon.
Giorgio Abichedid, BSc
University of Toronto
Waël C. Hanna, MDCM, MBA,
Head of Division, Thoracic Surgery
Head of Service, Endoscopy
Associate Professor, Departments of
Surgery and HEI
Overview of the DaVinci Xi (intuive.com)
P A G E 6
Hugo RAS
The Hugo RAS (robocally assisted surgery) system is a modular and customizable system. Each arm is its own isolated unit, which
means it can be ed with its own tool and posioned to the surgeons specicaons for the procedure. It is less all-inclusive than
the Versius, but more versale than the DaVinci Xi. The open console also permits 3D vision of the operang eld, but requires the
operator to wear 3D glasses, which can potenally cause some discomfort (2). In terms of regulaon, the Hugo RAS has regulatory
approval in Canada for general surgery, gynecological surgery, and urological surgery. The rst cases to have ulized the Hugo RAS
were done at the University Health Network, at the University of Toronto.
CMR Versius
The Versiusdening feature is its open console, which allows exible operaon from either a standing or seated posion (1). This is a
clear advantage as it allows each operator to work from a more comfortable posion for them. The system also includes up to 7 mod-
ular arms, although having that many is an experimental approach that has not been used in real clinical pracce. The CMR Versius,
like both previous systems, posses a 3D view in the surgeon console, although again, requires 3D glasses like the Hugo RAS. The
plaorm has been studied in preclinical trials using cadavers. Of 24 thoracic procedures were tested using the Versius, and only one
failed due to a plaorm error (4). Out of 18 lobectomies, one was not completed due to cadaver anatomy, and out of 3 thymecto-
Overview of the Medtronic Hugo RAS (medtronic.com)
Overview of the Versius Surgical System. (4)
P A G E 7
mies, one failed due to a console system error (4). All 3 diaphragm plicaons were completed without fault (4). These results suggest
condence in the Versius for robocally augmented thoracic surgery.
Aer reviewing some of the plaorms viable for robocally augmented thoracic surgery, there are many factors to consider when
choosing a system to use.
The DaVinci Xi has the obvious advantage of me. It is the most established name in roboc thoracic surgery. It has many publica-
ons aesng to its reliability in improving paent outcomes. Clinics adopng the DaVinci Xi have found an almost 20 percent reduc-
on in post-operave complicaons (8). They also measured a general decrease in readmission and length of stay.
The Hugo RAS has not received regulatory approval yet, and would therefore tend to be a more pioneering choice for a plaorm. It
does boast some unique features, and has been proven in other elds.
The Versius has the advantage of being tested through publicly-available preclinical evaluaons, although with the caveat that they
were performed on cadavers. Other evaluaons include tesng its prociency at performing procedures in small, enclosed spaces (4).
These tests aempt to emulate the environment the Versius would be performing in, being minimally invasive thoracic surgery.
1. Alkatout I et al. J. Clin. Med. 2022; 11(13): 3754
2. Cepolina, F et al. Int J Med Robot. 2022; 18(4): e2409
3. Ferng, A. Meet Versius, Cambridge Medical RobocsPortable and Cost Eecve Robot for Minimal Access Surgery. Medgadget. 2017. hps://
4. Giuseppe A et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2022; 62 (3):ezac178
5. Kayser, M et al. Children. 2022; 9(2):199
6. Medtronics Hugo Clears 3 Major Regulatory Hurdles. 2022. Mddionline.com. hps://www.mddionline.com/robocs/medtronics-hugo-clears-
7. Ngu J et al. Roboc Surgery: Research and Reviews 2017;4:7785
8. Soliman B et al. J Thorac Dis, 2020;12(7):3561-3572
Tips from the Experts
P A G E 8 V O L U M E 1 1 , I S S U E 2
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is a benign neoplasm of the airways caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), most commonly
type 6 and 11 but rarer types 16, 18, 31, and 33 have been reported. (1) RRP is characterized by the proliferaon of benign squamous papil-
lomas involving the aerodigesve tract. This enty predominantly aects the laryngeal structures, with the vocal cord being the commonest;
however, it can aect any areas of the aerodigesve tract and has been reported to involve tracheobronchial tree in up to 9% and pulmo-
nary parenchyma in up to 2% of the cases. (2). Management of RRP is complicated by its mulfocal and recurrent paern, requiring mul-
disciplinary and frequent intervenons. Herein we describe the procedural technique and literature to support the mulmodal treatment
approach and intra-lesional administraon of an an-VEGF agent, bevacizumab.
The natural course of RRP is variable with a small proporon of cases obtaining either spontaneous remission or persisng as stable disease
requiring periodic intervenons. Many paents, however, have an aggressive form that requires frequent local and systemic treatments. No
clear prognosc factors have been dened for worse outcomes. However, HPV type 11 has been associated with a more aggressive nature
compared to type 6. Other paent-related factors such as younger age and laryngeal involvement at diagnosis, laryngopharyngeal reux,
and smoking have all been considered as poor prognosc factors. Although a histologically benign disease, RRP is associated with signicant
morbidity and in its aggressive form, requires frequent surgical treatments primarily aimed at excision of the papillomas to restore airway
caliber and palliaon of symptoms. Several endoscopic intervenons such as microdebrider, laser surgery (KTP, CO2), argon plasma coagula-
on, and photodynamic therapy have been successfully reported in the literature. As the name implies, RRP usually follows a relapsing, re-
ming course posing a signicant burden to paents and the health system. Hence, adjuvant systemic or intra-lesional treatments are con-
sidered to potenally improve disease burden, decrease the frequency of procedures and possibly achieve remission. There are no clear
criteria for which paents might benet from addional therapies; however, the need of more than four procedures per year, rapid re-
Intra-lesional injecon of Bevacizumab for Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
Sepmiu Murgu, MD, FCCP, DAABIP
Professor of Medicine
The University of Chicago
Nakul Ravikumar, MD
Fellow, Intervenonal Pulmonology
University of Chicago
Tips from the Experts
P A G E 9 V O L U M E 1 1 , I S S U E 2
growth of papilloma with airway compromise, and distal spread of the disease have been considered as factors to be considered for oering
adjuvant treatments. Literature reports that 10-20% of paents with RRP receive adjuvant treatment, with some of the opons available be-
ing an-viral agents (cidofovir, ribavirin, acyclovir), interferon, renoids and histamine blockers. (3) More recently, targeted intervenons
focusing on immune modulaon using monoclonal anbodies with checkpoint inhibion, such as an-program death ligand-1 (PDL-1) and
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibion, have been used.
Clinical Applicaon:
How we do it:
At our instuon, paents with RRP are evaluated by a mul-disciplinary complex airway team comprising intervenonal pulmonologists (IP),
otorhinolaryngologists (ENT), and thoracic surgeons. In cases involving both laryngeal and tracheobronchial tree, ENT and IP teams work to-
gether in a combined procedure to target both upper and central airways simultaneously. All procedures in our instuon are done under
general anesthesia using suspension microlaryngoscopy (by ENT) for treang laryngeal disease and the rigid bronchoscope for treang tra-
cheobronchial disease (by IP). A mulmodal treatment approach comprising various endoscopic intervenons such as laser surgery ulizing
CO2 (laryngeal) and KTP (tracheobronchial), microdebrider (laryngeal), and cryosurgery (tracheobronchial) with repeated freeze-thaw cycles
are used to establish adequate airway patency. Aer restoring adequate airway patency (typically less than 20-30% lumen narrowing), we
use a 25g needle for intra-lesional delivery of the an-VEGF agent, bevacizumab (37.5 mg). Sites of injecon are selected based on the areas
with high disease burden or recurrent areas aer previous treatments. Paents are followed up on an outpaent basis. This procedure is re-
peated at an interval of 3 months (for 3-4 sessions) or earlier if symptoms recur. Addional intervenons are then performed depending on
the symptoms or at scheduled 68-month intervals if disease response is favorable and paents remain clinically stable (Figure. 1).
Supporng literature:
Bevacizumab is a recombinant human monoclonal anbody that targets and binds to VEGF and inhibits interacon with the VEGF receptor,
prevenng angiogenesis. The inherent vascularity of papillomatosis has a potenal pathogenic role in the recurrence of these lesions, and
hence bevacizumab is being considered in the prevenon of neoproliferave growth of RRP. Bevacizumab has been used successfully in other
neovascular diseases involving the eyes, telangiectasias. Zeitels et al. combined intra-lesional bevacizumab with laser (KTP photoangiolysis)
for paents with RRP aecng the vocal cords and noted no discernible disease in 15% of the paents and overall improvement in another
85% of the paents aer four injecons (4). In another study in the pediatric populaon looking at Derkay scores (A funconal and anatomic
assessment scoring designed by the RRP task force), the me interval between injecons and voice outcomes showed an overall improve-
ment of 58% in Derkay score and all paents having increased interval between injecons. (5) Dosing of bevacizumab delivered intralesional-
Tips from the Experts
P A G E 10 V O L U M E 1 1 , I S S U E 2
ly is much less than the typical systemic dose of 5-10mg/kg and hence it is well tolerated. A safety study monitoring physiologic and lab pa-
rameters with dosing regimens varying from 10mg to 80mg per treatment episode with a median dose of 30mg did not show any systemic
side eects, and all paents tolerated the medicaon well (6).
RRP is a benign neoplasm with a high morbidity and mortality secondary with only a small proporon of paents undergoing malignant trans-
formaon. Nevertheless, frequent endoscopic intervenons are the norm in the management of these paents and the addion of adjunct
local pharmacological therapies may help decrease the disease burden, avoid side eects of systemic therapy and improve the quality of life
in these paents. Hence, the ecacy of intra-lesional injecons of medicaons such as bevacizumab, or other novel therapies such as an-
PDL1 agents (avelumab) should be evaluated in mul-center, randomized studies.
1. Hoesli RC et al. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. 2020;163(4):78590
2. Soldatski IL et al. Laryngoscope. 2005 Oct;115(10):1848–54
3. Schra S et al. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004 Sep;130(9):1039–42
4. Zeitels SM et al. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2011 Oct;120(10):62734
5. Sidell DR et al. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2014 Mar;123(3):214-21
6. Best SR et al. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012 Sep;121(9):587-93
Figure. 1: Pre and post treatment of RRP with cryotherapy and intralesional injecon of bevacizumab
A: Diuse airway involvement comprising of exophyc lesions from RRP, immediately aer cryotherapy (note the diuse
blanching) At 3 oclock posion, the needle is seen being advanced in the mucosal lesion as Bevacizumab is being injected.
B: Follow up bronchoscopy shows signicant decrease in airway papillomatosis
Humanitarian News
W A B I P N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 11
Humanitarian Aid During War Times, Challenges and Limitaons
Since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, countless lives have been lost, and many more have been destroyed or
displaced by connuous shelling and air strikes. Millions of people have become refugees, and many more have been dis-
placed within the country. UN dierent agencies have reached close to 16 million people with humanitarian assistance, in-
cluding the world's largest humanitarian cash response, thousands of convoys, generator deliveries to crical facilies, and
repairs to damaged homes. Urgent needs connue, and it is ancipated $3.9 billion will be necessary in 2023 to help over 11
million people out of nearly 18 million in need.
Humanitarian workers are accustomed to the rigours of armed conicts, but the war in Ukraine presents them with unprece-
dented challenges, not only due to the severity of the humanitarian crisis, but also due to the contradicon with their funda-
mental principles of conduct. Humanitarian help is predicated on the idea of neutrality, which requires relief workers to stay
unbiased and not take sides in a crisis or polical situaon. The neutrality principle assures that aid is delivered solely on the
basis of need, without discriminaon or bias towards any parcular group or ideology. In pracse, neutrality dictates that aid
workers should not engage in any acons that could be interpreted as taking sides or favouring one group over another. Hu-
manitarian workers must maintain ght independence and avoid any polical or military parcipaon that could damage
their imparality.
The Ukraine conict will test the neutrality concept. How neutral must humanitarian organisaons remain in the face of an
allegedly unprovoked military aggression and violaons of Internaonal Humanitarian Law, lest they be accused of aiding
and abeng these abuses? How imparal are internaonal actors supported by naons polically and militarily acve in
Ukraine, including the Internaonal Commiee of the Red Cross? How does the idea that Ukrainian actors are somemes
militarily acve and oen policised aect the behaviour of internaonal actors? How should humanitarian organisaons
handle their public messaging and image when informaon is a primary weapon of war? The neutrality/parsanship conun-
drum is not new, but given the geopolical context of the crisis, its worldwide repercussions, and the connuous real-me
aenon it receives online, it may take on a bigger signicance. During the Iraq War, American Army ocers were extremely
tough on French organisaon volunteers, just as during the Kosovo War, a non-NATO passport was required to negoate
with the Serbs. But for the majority of "Western" relief workers, these conicts were far enough for them to feel able to di-
vorce the posions of their governments from their humanitarian work. But, the direct impact of the Ukraine conict on
their daily lives, the extensive engagement of their governments, and the unwavering stance of the mainstream media cre-
ate a dierent scenario.
During this conict, many humanitarian groups and the countries that sponsor them will depart from the noon of humani-
tarian neutrality, which has so dominated western humanitarian help in wars over the past three decades. Several humani-
tarians have instead chosen for polical solidarity with Ukrainians and view humanitarian help as an integral part of the
Ukrainian ght to Russian violence and oppression. It implies that some established humanitarian agencies, as well as the
majority of new ones spawned by this crisis, prefer to funcon in polical solidarity with the Ukrainian government and the
humanitarian administraon and resistance networks that emerge in response to the conict. Two tradions of humanitari-
an aid have always existed: the imparal humanitarianism culvated by the Swiss-founded Red Cross organisaon, and an
acvist legacy of opposion humanitarianism based on specic polical commitments. Throughout the 20th century, re-
sistance humanitarianism played a crucial role in rescue missions from Nazi-occupied Europe, campaigns against apartheid
and Lan American tyrants, and independence movements in a number of naons. Certain nongovernmental organisaons,
such as Médecins sans fronères, Médecins du Monde, and Prémiere Urgence, place a high priority on documenng and
reporng human rights breaches. But the concern associated with the unprecedented extent of this new viewpoint of
solidarityis that, while some abuses of internaonal law and human rights are evident and well-documented, the queson
of whether a parcular war is just is ulmately a maer of perspecve and interpretaon. Others may disagree with those
who believe that certain wars t the condions for a just war. And relief workers who are naonals of one of the beligerant
pares (directly or indirectly) may be signicantly impacted by the prevalent public opinion of their countries and the infor-
maon accessible in the area in which they reside, both of which are inherently skewed during warme.
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Mainly Western governments and mullateral organisaons have allocated or pledged billions of dollars in bilateral aid to
the governments of Ukraine and refugee-hosng countries. They are also the primary supporters of the tradional interna-
onal humanitarian network of UN agencies, Red Cross/Red Crescent groups, and internaonal non-governmental organisa-
ons (NGOs), which is mostly administered by the Oce for the Coordinaon of Humanitarian Aairs (OCHA). Similar to the
challenge of imparality, nancial sources frequently dictate where humanitarian organisaons operate. Those primarily
nanced by Western naons operate mostly in areas controlled by the Ukrainian government. They may even be instructed
to do so by their funders in order to demonstrate their support for the Ukrainian government and contribute to easing the
strain on its economy and infrastructure. On the other hand, some NGOs acvely refuse nancing from Western govern-
ments to avoid co-optaon and preserve their independence in idenfying the most urgent needs and the most eecve
The way humanitarian nance is usually channelled from donor agencies with specic mandates to large UN agencies also
with specic mandates – will largely determine to which populaons, groups or sectors resources ow, instead of an alloca-
on based on severity of need. Western donor funding (whether labelled humanitarian or not) is likely to be deliberately
channelled to parts of the country, populaon groups or organisaons that are acvely resisng Russian forces. As a result, it
is more likely that the majority of funding will be directed to
areas where it is easiest to operate, i.e., refugee-hosng countries and government-controlled areas in Ukraine. Hard-to-
reach areas, such as those under Russian control where fewer people live, could be overlooked. This is in spite of such areas
potenally having more acute needs due to the intensity of the conict and the breakdown of naonal and local safety nets.
In Ukraine, Russia, neighbouring naons, the West, and elsewhere, governments, the media, public opinion, and humanitari-
an organisaons' own messaging form narraves about humanitarian crises and aid. These narraves have a direct impact
on the "cultures" of help, the relaonships between aid organisaons and their funders, pares to the conict, and host gov-
ernments, and ulmately the ecacy of the response and its accountability to impacted individuals. What inuence do prin-
ciples, beliefs, and interests have on these narraves? Can disnct stories coexist? Who exercises authority over them, and
for what purpose? How do they impact others?
How donor countries support and convey their money will impact the size and shape of the response as well as the capacity
of humanitarian organisaons to handle the aforemenoned dicules. How organisaons solicit and receive private dona-
ons will also have an eect. Donors who direct where and how funds are allocated and promote their humanitarian assis-
tance as part of a package of polical and military support for Ukraine will inuence the atudes of the grant beneciaries.
How may humanitarian giving be reconciled with polical and military objecves? Humanitarian workers (internaonal co-
operaon professionals or volunteers) live within this narrave, which moulds their perspecves and, whether we like it or
not, can be inuenced by the same misinformaon as the general populaon.
For ages, philosophers, theologians, and polical theorists have contested the concept of a "just war" as a contenous and
complicated issue. The view that war is occasionally necessary to ght against aggression, preserve innocent lives, or ad-
vance a just cause is fundamental to the concept of a just war. The conict must be waged for a morally jused purpose,
such as self-defense or the protecon of innocent lives. Except in instances of self-defense or when authorised by the United
Naons Security Council, the United Naons Charter forbids the use of force or the threat of force against the territorial in-
tegrity or polical independence of any state. Thus, the Russian Federaon's invasion of Ukraine is a violaon of internaon-
al law and may result in sancons or other acons by the internaonal community. But, the devil is in the details. In spite of
the majority of UN member states' condemnaon of the invasion, Russia maintains that acted in self-defense because its
naonal security was threatened. In fact, we have all observed, over the past decades, a number of countries successfully
arguing the same concept and jusfying the invasion of a foreign country as an act of self-defense, even when the country in
queson was kilometers away or had an obvious incapacity for real damage. Ulmately, the queson of whether a just war
exists is a maer of perspecve and interpretaon. While some may believe that certain wars meet the criteria for a just
war, others may disagree and argue that all wars are inherently unjust, and that peaceful means should always be used to
resolve conicts.
Humanitarian aid has been subject to intense scruny in recent years. It has been accused of perpetuang conicts by failing
to address their core causes, promote peace, and encourage development. Humanitarian help is many mes thought to fos-
ter dependence on external aid and may not be sustainable over the long run. Most humanitarian workers (who frequently
risk their own lives in the course of their work) are convinced that humanitarian aid is essenal for saving lives and allevi-
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W A B I P N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 13
ang suering during war and conict. However, most of them also acknowledge that humanitarian aid is frequently insu-
cient to meet the needs of those aected by conict and that aid is merely a bandage for a major wound. And that is be-
cause the tragedy of war is simply unimaginable, it can be sanised so the audience can consume it with their breakfast
news or romancised to generate valour and patriosm where there is only violence, death, disgusng mixtures of blood
and mud, and decaying corpses. Frequently, the most gruesome and horrid parts of bale are those that are not presented
to the public. These unseen tragedies of war serve as a vivid reminder of the devastaon that armed conict can inict on
both individuals and enre society, as well as the urgent need to resolve disputes peacefully.
Yet, this war persists and appears to have a protracted future. The connuance of war is a systemic failure of the polical
and economic structures that govern our planet, which are frequently designed to promote the powerful's interests at the
expense of the many. Elite ambions, movated by the pursuit of prot, resources, and geopolical inuence, frequently
fuel this and any other war. The media and other powerful instuons play a crical role in legimising war as a necessary
evil, while downplaying its horric human costs. In addion, the psychological damage inicted on both military and civilians
adds to a culture of violence and dehumanisaon that diminishes our empathy and compassion. Also, the most vulnerable
and marginalised members of society are disproporonately aected by war's brutality, displacement, and destrucon, as
well as, in this new globalised world, their economic repercussions, even if they reside thousands of kilometres away. The
costs of any bale are borne by regular cizens. To ght the polics of war, we must target the underlying power structures
and work to build a more democrac, fair, and accountable society that priorises the needs and ambions of all individuals
over the narrow interests of the auent and powerful.
It seems not to be in anyone agenda to bring the horrors to an end before they become much worse. Ukraine is uerly dev-
astated, the esmated military fatalies exceeds 250.000, which should be added to the ancipated number of 400.000
severly injured military personnel and probably around 10.000 civilian fatal casuales. More than 13 million people remain
uprooted from their homes, including nearly 8 million refugees across Europe and more than 5 million internally displaced
people within Ukraine, people that probably will not be able to return in a very long me, because their homes, employment
opportunies and living condions no longer exist. Slowly, even ocial voices from "the collecve West" begin to warn that
the quanes of ammunion requested by the Ukrainian government cannot be supplied. The nal outcome of the war does
not appear promising, and it is evident that the connuaon of the conict is not helping Ukranian civilians because of the
terrible suering and death toll it is causing, nor the ordinary cizens of many countries not even ocially involved in the
conict who suer the economic consequences and live in fear of the potenal consequences of the conict's escalaon.
Several naons have eagerly applauded the February 2023 UN General Assembly's demand to embrace the concept that
"Clearly, the world desires peace, and Ukrainians deserve peace. But, not any peace, but just peace ". The problem is that
not every country has a realisc understanding of what a "fair peace" can be at this point in the war. Some may argue for a
return to normalcy. But what would this return to normalcy entail beyond the return of McDonald's, Ikea, and H&M? Does
this imply, for example, that Moscow welcomes Ukraine's membership in the EU and NATO? That the Schengen regime is
extended to the Ukrainian-Russian border? That Ukraine regains control of Crimea and Sevastopol becomes a NATO naval
base? Is this noon of "normality" realiscally possible? Each peace agreement necessitates concessions to make possible to
avoid the perpetuoaon of a war, parcularly when there are evident imbalances in military might. Probably the queson is
how important avoiding war is when the price is paid by a proxy.
If the benets of the perpetuaon of the war can at least be debated, why is it lasng? So, cui bono? Who stands to benet
from this war? In any war, in spite of the widespread destrucon, loss of life, and suering, some individuals and groups may
benet from war. From military contractors to big corporaons including polical leaders and economical elites. But there
is one more collateral gain for the West in this war, an ideological one. Western publics are now vindicated in their self-
delusion that criminal wars are waged only by non-democracies like Puns Russia and that there are good, heroic, chival-
rous warriors on one side and evil monsters that are responsible of the only atrocies of the war on the other side. This is
simply not true. The report by the Oce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) covering the period from 1
August 2022 to 31 January 2023 declares that Russian strikes on crical energy infrastructure since October 2022 have killed
116 civilians and injured 379, causing electricity shortages and damaging medical and educaonal facilies and documenng
the killings of 21 civilians and 214 cases of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detenons by Russian armed forces. But
also stated that Ukrainian armed forces and law enforcement agencies were also responsible for 91 cases of enforced disap-
pearances and arbitrary detenons. OHCHR interviewed eight individuals prosecuted for "collaboraon acvity" and docu-
Humanitarian News
W A B I P N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 14
mented the arbitrary detenon of 88 Russian civilian sailors. War is (and has always been) a brutal and deshumanizing
force and not an exercise of chivalry. However, aer many years of ethical instability, or in Artemy Magun's terms, ethical
negavity, this war supports the illusion that good and evil are disnct, all signicant polical subjects are ethically marked
as heroes or as villains, and, most importantly, the self-idencaon of individuals as ethical subjects has acquired a total
and universal character. Act in such a way that the Kanan maxim of your will can be acknowledged as a universal law. But
probably, that is just a delusional phantasy, hard to sustain in a moment when the legimacy of opinion leaders, mainstream
media, government instuons, and naonal or internaonal legal bodies is severely cricised by a huge poron of society
Everybody should keep in mind that persisng on its present course, the war will come to vindicate the view of much of the
world outside the West that this is a U.S.-Russian war with Ukrainian bodies increasingly corpses. Not even a well-
funconing doctrinal system in which unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need
for any ocial ban,(to borrow George Orwells descripon of free England in his introducon to Animal Farm) will prevent
Do opportunies for diplomacy sll remain? As ghng connues, posions predictably harden. Right now, Ukrainian and
Russian stands appear irreconcilable. That is not a novel situaon in world aairs. It has oen turned out that Peace talks
are possible if there is a polical will to engage in them". However, if the only available language is mutual vilicaon and
demonizaon, oen accompanied by grandiose rhetoric about the cosmic struggle between the forces of light and darkness
and for prioritazion of geopolical interests and imposion of one's own worldview, the chances of a just and realisc peace
will remain remote.
As educated cizens we have a responsibility to give our own informed opinions on all the important topics that impact on
our sociees, because our opinions carry weight and can inuence others. We have a responsibility to enhance democracy,
and for a democracy to funcon, individuals must be well-informed and free to express their opinions. We may contribute to
the promoon of crical thinking by encouraging others to engage in logical debates and crical thought, and by combang
disinformaon. Indierence is an unaainable luxury. We, who have the advantage of a higher educaon, are the ones who
must consult mulple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of what is occurring, who must examine the evidence
to support both sides of the argument, and who must avoid conrmaon bias by avoiding looking at the informaon in a
way that conrms our preconceived noons. If we wish to live in a democracy, we must have the parcipaon of a crical
mass of cizens who do not follow or give credence to popular opinion or just repeat what is told by the mainstream media,
but instead coin and communicate their own opinions and demand accountability from policymakers.
And as regular cizens, we must acknowledge that war is not a soluon, but rather a symptom of more fundamental social
and polical issues that require innovave and compassionate answers. We can only hope to create a more just and peace-
ful society for ourselves and future generaons if we culvate a spirit of cooperaon, understanding, and mutual respect,
whichever our ideological dierences. By working together and taking responsibility for our collecve future, we can create a
society that is more equitable and sustainable for everyone. Otherwise, any humanitarian aid will be a charade, a palliave
for the real needs of the suering, and a sedave for our consciences.
Polarisaon is characterisc of the current era, and many readers will disagree with these opinions. These are the sen-
ments of someone who has spent the last three decades sloshing through enough mud, dragging too many corpses, and wit-
nessing too many atrocies. And who believes that if we are unable to discover a major transformaon in how we manage
naonal and internaonal dierences, Hell will remain empty because all the devils will remain here.
*The views expressed in this arcle are those of the author (Silvia Quadrelli) and do not necessarily reect the ocial posi-
ons of the Execuve Board or Internaonal Board of Regents of the WABIP.
Best Image Contest 2023 (2 of 3)
Descripon: Endobronchial Leiomyoma of the Le Main Bronchus
A. White Light Image
B. Narrow Band Image
Submier(s): Hari Kishan Gonuguntla, Pree Vidyasagar, Aravind Ram
Best Image Contest
P A G E 15
This image is 1 of 3 selected among 100+ submissions to our Best Image Contest held in late 2022. Our next
Image Contest will open later this year. We look forward to receiving your image submissions.
P A G E 16
The 1
Intervenonal Pulmonology Instute (IPI)
of the WABIP Inaugurated in Istanbul, Turkiye
On Sunday, April 30th, 2023, during a beauful ceremony in Istanbul, the leaderships of the World Associaon for
Bronchology and Intervenonal Pulmonology (WABIP) and the LIV hospital, Istanbul (Vadistanbul) signed the rst-of-its
-kind agreement to inaugurate the rst Intervenonal Pulmonology Instute (IPI). This remarkable contract between a
non-prot conglomerate of more than 50 naonal intervenonal pulmonology sociees (WABIP) and a private hospital
chain in Istanbul Turkiye was signed by Meri İsro, CEO of LIV hospital system, and Dr. Ali Musani, chairman of the 1st
Intervenonal Pulmonology Instute. This collaboraon starts a new chapter in medical teaching and training of doc-
tors from developing countries by the hundreds of IP faculty from dozens of countries worldwide to disseminate sci-
ence and skills of IP without geographical or polical restricons.
The ceremony was followed by the rst IPI conference, where Dr. Musani presented the mission, vision, organizaonal
structure, educaonal goals, and details of the partnership between the two organizaons. He outlined the short-term
and long-term plans of the IPI and introduced the dierent commiees, including the fellowship selecon commiee,
educaon/curriculum commiee, and IPI commiee. He emphasized that IPIs fundamental goal is to train pul-
monologists from the developing parts of the world in IP, free of charge, so they can go back and serve their countries
and educate/train others in the IP eld. Soon aer the ceremony and introductory speeches from Meri İsro and Dr.
Musani, the academic poron of the conference started.
Meri İsro, CEO of the LIV hospital system, and Dr. Ali Musani, chair of the Intervenonal Pulmonology Instute, signed the
landmark contract between the two instuons before outlining their visions in front of the audience
P A G E 17
The front desk of the LIV Hospital, Vadistanbul Turkiye
The conference had several internaonal speakers from Europe and the USA represenng the WABIP. Aendees from
dierent parts of Turkiye parcipated in the conference and brought complex IP cases to seek expert opinions from the in-
ternaonal faculty.
IPI faculty and aendees at the rst IPI conference on 4/30/2023 in Istanbul, Turkiye
P A G E 18
Dr. Levent Dalar, Director IPI Istanbul
This day also marks the ocial announcement of the beginning of the IP fellowship at the IPI.
Pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons worldwide are welcome to apply for the WABIP-IPI Intervenonal Pulmonology (IP) fellowship
starng Oct 1st, 2023. Please review the details of the IP fellowship requirements and curriculum (hps://www.wabip.com/instute)
before applying for the fellowship. Please ll out the applicaon forms available at hps://www.wabip.com/instute and send them to
Dr. Javier Flandes, chair of the fellowship selecon commiee (jandes@quironsalud.es), and Dr. Levent Dalar, director for the IPI Istan-
bul (leventdalar@gmail.com ) at least four months before the start date of the fellowship. Please see below for the fellowship applica-
on deadline.
Applicaon Deadlines:
The selecon commiee will respond to your applicaon in three weeks to allow you ample me to nalize your travel preparaons.
The IPI will happily provide you with a leer of acceptance to help you obtain a Turkish visa. You should not engage in any employment
or illegal acvies in Turkiye. IPI will fully cooperate with the legal authories in providing informaon regarding you if asked. IPI does
not pay salaries or any nancial support to trainees and fellows. You should not expect any nancial support from IPI or the LIV hospital.
The fellowship will be three months long, starng Oct 1st, 2023. As outlined above, one or two new fellows will start every three
months. The fellows will be required to stay in Istanbul for three months and work with the local and internaonal vising faculty of the
WABIP. They will be provided with limited malpracce coverage by the LIV hospital and a temporary trainee license from Isnye Univer-
sity, Istanbul, to perform procedures under the supervision of the local IP faculty. The fellows will be expected to work six days a week,
including Saturday, and go to other hospitals with the IP faculty to perform procedures.
Fellowship Start Date Applicaon Deadline
The applicaon and supporng material should be
received by
Oct 1
July 1
Jan 1
September 1
April 1
December 1
July 1
March 1
P A G E 19
IPI will provide a reading list, a library of procedural videos, and review material. We expect every fellow to study all the pre-fellowship training
material prior to starng the fellowship. All fellows will undergo pretesng in theory and skills of IP procedures. The purpose of the pretest is
to gauge their improvement aer the fellowship with a posest/cercaon test. The pretest will not be used to select or reject candidates
from the fellowship.
If your budget allows, we would like you to travel to Athens, Greece, Florence, Italy, or Ancona, Italy, for a week of free simulaon training with
high-delity simulators and cadavers under WABIP faculty. This training is not mandatory but will help you get comfortable with more complex
procedures, such as rigid bronchoscopy, airway stenng, etc. We plan to do this training in the early weeks of each fellowship period.
IPI Faculty
The IPI will not charge any fee for training fellows, but the fellows will be responsible for all their expenses, including ights, stay for three
months in Istanbul, and food during their fellowship. WABIP is trying to raise funds with donaons and scholarships to support a few fellows
yearly, but we dont expect any support for at least one year. We encourage fellows to obtain health insurance in Turkey to avoid unnecessary
charges if they get sick while training in Istanbul. IPI does not pay trainees and fellows. You should not expect any nancial support from IPI.
We encourage you to seek support from your respecve governments, hospitals, industry grants, scholarships, etc. We will gladly furnish sup-
porng documents to help you obtain these grants if needed.
IPI will help you obtain a visa by providing a leer of acceptance by the WABIP-IPI Istanbul. You are expected to apply for the visa at least three
months in advance so that in case of your inability to obtain a visa in a mely fashion, we can oer the fellowship spot to other candidates. We
expect you to have your visa and ckets ready and emailed to the selecon commiee at least three months before your fellowship start date.
Each fellow will be tested during the last week of their three months of training. This test will comprise of didacc and skills tesng. Please see
the skills tesng document. You will be trained in skills and steps of IP procedures the same way as you will be tested. Each fellow must pass
both didacc and skills test to obtain the cercate of compleon of the IP fellowship at the WABIP-IPI. This cercate does not give you a
license to pracce IP/bronchoscopic and pleural procedures at your instute, in your country, or in any other country. To pracce these proce-
dures, you must sll fulll your country's and instuon's requirements, such as local credenaling and licensing. Due to a relavely short
training period, we cannot guarantee that you will be fully competent in your skills to perform IP procedures independently aer just three
months of training. The required number of procedures for IPI training is reduced substanally to allow you to nish the training in three
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You will be more than welcome to apply for the same fellowship again to obtain more experience. You must undergo
the same selecon process as the rst me. You should do some supervised procedures at your home intuion to be
comfortable doing them and fulll your naonal and instuonal credenaling and licensing requirements. We strongly
recommend some supervised training before performing IP procedures independently. We also strongly recommend at
least 1-2 years of pracce with four mes, or a greater number of procedures done/required during the IPI fellowship
before teaching others in your country or starng a formal training program. We will try to organize a symposium for
all the IPI fellows at the World Congress of Bronchology and Intervenonal Pulmonology (WCBIP) every other year.
WABIP-IPI will gladly stay in touch with all its graduates and provide connued educaon and guidance.
Code of Conduct:
The fellows will be required to follow the code of conduct of the LIV hospital in their day-to-day work and social inter-
acons while training there. The fellows must follow the hospital's and IP program's rules and policies. The IPI director
and the chair reserve the right to expel any fellow who misbehaves and does not follow the rules and regulaons of the
instuon or is disrespecul and disrupve. In case of expulsion from the program, the fellow must return to their
home country within two weeks, and they will be deemed incompetent to receive IPI cercaon. IPI also reserves the
right to inform immigraon authories of any illegal acvies and take legal acon if any criminal acvity is suspected.
IPI fellows are supposed to refrain from engaging in any employment while in Turkiye for training at the IPI. They will
be reported to immigraon if any such acvity is brought to IPI's aenon.
In conclusion, IPI training will give you a strong foundaon to build your IP career. Our faculty of world experts have
developed a robust training program to train you in as many skills as possible in a short me. We will stay engaged with
you long aer your fellowship to provide you with mentors, educaonal opportunies, and advice when asked to make
sure that you have all the professional and moral support you need to start a successful program in your home country
and educate the next generaon of doctors and connue the mission of elevang the level of health care in your coun-
The Intervenonal Pulmonology Instute Commiee of the WABIP
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WABIP Workshop in Buenos Aires March 2023
The World Associaon of Bronchology and Intervenonal Pulmonology (WABIP) recently hosted the 3rd Bronchoscopy Course-
Workshop in Buenos Aires, Argenna. Aended by 35 respiratory medicine professionals from Argenna and neighboring coun-
tries, the workshop catered to individuals with intermediate or advanced levels of prior bronchology training who are acvely
working in bronchoscopy.
The course and workshop were led by renowned internaonal expert Dr. Sara Tomasse from Italy, alongside highly experi-
enced local instructors Artemio Garcia, Silvia Quadrelli, Patricia Vujacich, Hugo Boo, Marcos Las Heras, and Jose Rodríguez Jimé-
nez from Argenna, as well as David Lazo from Chile. Aer a day of informave lectures, parcipants enjoyed a full day of hands-
on training at various staons, covering reusable bronchoscopes, rigid bronchoscopy, cryotechniques, stenng, EBUS, dicult
tracheal intubaon, and laser.
Under the watchful guidance of the course instructors, each parcipant had the chance to pracce each technique using a di-
verse array of inanimate models. This learner-centered educaonal experience maintained a low student-teacher rao, allowing
local and internaonal experts to oer more personalized aenon to each student. Instructors were able to assess individual
strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, tailoring their teaching methods to meet specic needs and providing customized
feedback for improvement. The local team skillfully organized the two-day program, resulng in a memorable and enriching ex-
perience for all. The unusual hot weather in Buenos Aires prompted the selecon of a beauful locaon in the Delta islands,
where parcipants could appreciate nature and forge friendships. Aendees greatly valued the opportunity to network with WA-
BIP professionals in an environment that fostered camaraderie, curiosity, and passion.
WABIP would like to extend its gratude to the bronchoscopy training instructors and the organizing team for their commitment
to expanding global bronchoscopy training. The ulmate goal is to develop procedures that are not only safer and more reliable
but also completely comfortable for all paents, regardless of their geographic locaon. The exceponal vising educator, Dr.
Sara Tomasse, played a crucial role in the event, and her contribuons were greatly appreciated by all parcipants.
Can You Smell Cancer?
Stracaon of lung nodules is indeed the bane of lung cancer screening and early diagnosis. Even in the meculously selected paents in the Na-
onal Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLST), more than 95% of the paents diagnosed with pulmonary nodules were benign aer surgical resecon.
Our quest for accurately idenfying high-risk pulmonary nodules goes on. We have gained some ground with PET scans, proteomics, and genomics,
but we sll need to achieve desired precision and eciency (less invasive and accurate). Although our technological advances in accurately sam-
pling pulmonary nodules with state-of-the-art robocs, ancillary technologies, cone beam CT scanners, and the like have evolved rapidly, we sll
biopsy more benign nodules than we should. Our struggle for more precise idencaon of malignant nodules goes on.
Exhaled breath contains a gas mixture of volale organic compounds (VOCs) that result from ssue metabolism. In unique physiologic and patho-
logical condions, the VOCs dier in their composions. The analysis of VOCs in dierent condions to understand and diagnose physiologic and
pathological states has been of great interest over the decades. For a long me, recognizing specic paerns or signatures of VOCs in dierent con-
dions with reasonable accuracy has been the research topic. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and mimicking olfacon with mechanical
noses have shown promise in diagnosing cancer in early work.
Exhaled breath analysis of VOCs in lung cancer has been studied for quite some me, but validaon studies and clinical implementaon sll need
to be improved. Recently, a very interesng publicaon in CHEST 2023 from the Netherlands showed promising results in diagnosing non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) by exhaled breath proling using an electronic nose. The study from Kort et al. (1) looks at two important quesons; 1, can a
predicon model be validated to disnguish non-small cell lung cancer paents from paents without non-small cell cancer 2, would adding this
test to other clinical informaon available will improve lung cancer diagnosis?
Five-minute normal breathing into a handheld electronic nose (aeoNose) test was performed on 376 subjects in a mulcenter study in the Nether-
lands. The trial resulted in a 95% sensivity and 51% specicity and a negave predicve value of 94%. The study suggests that combining clinical
informaon with exhaled breath data can disnguish paents with non-small cell cancer from subjects without non-small cell lung cancer in a non-
invasive manner.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Primary Business Address:
Kazuhiro Yasufuku, Editor-in-Chief WABIP
c/o Judy McConnell
200 Elizabeth St, 9N-957
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4 Canada
E-mail: newsleer@wabip.com
P A G E 22
Associate editor:
Dr. Ali Musani
Associate editor:
Dr. Sepmiu Murgu
Ali I. Musani MD, FCCP
University of Colorado School of Medicine,
Mulple studies in the past have alluded to similar outcomes in dierent study designs and cohorts. The study from Kort et al. (1) showed
signicant improvement in the predicon of NSCLC when breath analysis of VOC was added to clinical informaon commonly used in other
predicon models for lung cancer. Using newer predicve models with VOC analysis in high-risk paents with pulmonary nodules and clinical
data, CT, and PET scans could make lung nodule stracaon more precise.
Due to its simplicity and non-invasive applicaon, this test can be used as a point-of-caretest that can be easily implemented in the early
diagnosis of lung cancer (lung nodule clinics or lung cancer screening programs) in an outpaent seng.
1. Kort S. Chest. 2023 Mar;163(3):697-706.
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The WABIP has started a new educaon project recently: THE WABIP ACADEMY. The WABIP Academy will pro-
vide free online webcasts with new and hot topics that will interest pulmonologists and intervenonalists.
Current webcast topic: Tissue acquision for biomarker directed therapy of NSCLC
You can reach these webcasts by using this link: hp://www.wabipacademy.com/webcast/
www.bronchology.com Home of the Journal of Bronchology
www.bronchoscopy.org Internaonal educaonal website for
bronchoscopy training with u-tube and
facebook interfaces, numerous teachiing
videos, and step by step tesng and assess
ment tools
www.aabronchology.org American Associaon for Bronchology and I
ntervenonal Pulmonology (AABIP)
www.eabip.org European Associaon for Bronchology and
Intervenonal Pulmonology
www.chestnet.org Intervenonal Chest/Diagnosc Procedures (IC/DP)
www.thoracic.org American Thoracic Society
www.ctsnet.org The leading online resource of educaonal and
scienc research informaon for cardiothoracic
www.jrs.or.jp The Japanese Respirology Society
Asociación Sudamericana de Endoscopía Respiratoria
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